AutorRoberto Anidos

EuroLeague Final 1983: After the Italian final the Cantú wins again

This year the European Cup changes its competition in terms of the preliminary rounds before the group stage. In contrast to previous years, a previous group stage would now include two crosses prior to the round trip. Beginning 24 teams after the first criva were 12 and after the second crossing the six survivors played the regular league

Final NBA 1982: Los Lakers superan a unos Sixers al alza

En la NBA del 82 los Angeles Lakers se proclamaron campeones tras superar no sin dificultades, a unos Sixers que tendrían que esperar un año más para tocar la gloria del anillo. Con (4-2) para los Lakers demostrando un bloque más sólido que su rival. Con solo dos derrotas en todos los playoffs, los Angeles Lakers fueron claros dominadores

NBA Final 1982: Lakers beat upward Sixers

In the NBA of 82 the Angeles Lakers were proclaimed champions after overcoming not without difficulties, some Sixers who would have to wait one more year to touch the glory of the ring. With (4-2) for the Lakers demonstrating a more solid block than their rival. With only two defeats in all the playoffs, the Angeles Lakers were clear dominators